Cove School Development Plan
Cove aims to be a learning community where inspiring teaching and hard-working students join together in a safe, respectful, nurturing environment of high expectations for every child. A place where kindness is demonstrated every day, success is celebrated and high aspirations are encouraged in every classroom. Cove will be a school where students leave as confident, successful adults who are capable of great success in the modern world.
Focus 2024 -25: Build a Culture of High Aspiration
Last Ofsted: Jan 2020: Good in all four categories
Areas identified to improve:
- Leaders have designed a curriculum that prepares pupils for their next steps. All subject areas have adopted this, but some are at an earlier stage than others. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders get the support they need so that learning in every subject is organised in a sequence so that all pupils know, understand and remember more.
- Some pupils still have gaps in their knowledge and skills in some subjects. This is because there were historical inconsistencies in the quality of teaching. Leaders should continue to identify where those gaps are and take appropriate action to fill them.
Leadership and Management
- Leaders have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high-quality, inclusive education and training to all.
- Leaders focus on improving staff’s subject, pedagogical knowledge and practice, along with appropriate use of assessment.
- Leaders engage with all stakeholders with a focus on well-being.
- Leaders at every level are held to account for the quality of education.
- Strong culture of safeguarding that supports effective arrangements to identify learners at risk and securing support they need.
Quality of Education
- Intent - ambitious curriculum designed to give all students, especially disadvantaged and SEND the knowledge and cultural capital needed to succeed.
- Implementation - teachers have good subject knowledge, supporting children to learn, remember and read; whilst check for understanding, giving clear and direct feedback where assessment is used well to supporting lesson planning and ambitious progress.
- Impact -learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and as a result achieve well in national examinations, ready for the next stage in their education.
- Professional learners (CPD) and Emerging learners
Behaviour and Attitudes
- Every child in school, every day for every lesson – the mantra for attendance at Cove School embedded across all year groups.
- High expectations for learners’ behaviour and conduct and these are applied consistently and fairly across the school.
- Children are committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and take pride in their achievements.
- Positive and respectful culture between staff and students and a culture where bullying, peer-on-peer abuse or discrimination are not tolerated.
Personal Development
- The curriculum extends beyond the academic and provides for learners’ broader development, interests and talents.
- The curriculum provides wider work to support learner’s development and character, helping them to keep physically and mentally healthy.
- Provide and prepares learners for life in modern Britain - equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society.